The secrets of the Al-Gore-Rhythm
As many of you know, the secrets of the al-gore-rhythm or the way social media filters and serves the fans, changes as trends change. Well, in 2021 the algorithm changed and recently, the folks at Facebook recently released an explanation of the latest changes for 21-22.
Basically, Facebook News feed is out and is now just the “feed.” This feed shows stories that are meaningful and informative to you.
The algorithm filters stories based on three things.
These are sources that you interact with including friends, followers and businesses
This is the actual type of post. Videos or Photos. If you interact with videos more, you will see more videos and the same goes with photos.
Priority is given to posts with the most engagement of whom you interact with. Then it trickles down from there.
How does this apply to you as a creator of content? Well, when you post authentic and informative posts, Facebook wont throttle you. If you create truthful, meaningful posts, this too, helps. Create posts that your fan will engage with, interact with and you in-turn should interact with and engage with them too. Also, create content that builds a sense of community which means, getting your audience to interact with each other.
We can’t break or hack Al Gore’s rhythm but we can move with it. Let’s talk about this and other ways we can help you with your SEO, SEM and Social Media efforts. We would love the opportunity to do a website/media needs analysis and help you reach your 2022 marketing and lead gen goals. Contact us for a no cost analysis.