Let’s Talk Content Mapping
Have you ever found yourself conflicted with having to post on socials, get blog posts up on your brand’s site, create new content, and round it off with keeping on top of your business’s terrestrial marketing programming?
So, what do you do with all of that content?
According to Buffer.com and Marketo, creating a calendar and mapping your posts can be very helpful in saving time and keep your brand ahead of the posting curve. Some benefits of a strong content map:
1. It will help you maintain a consistent cadence.
2. You can map time-sensitive content ahead of time.
3. You’ll take your business’s social marketing out of a silo.
4. It serves as a system of record.
5. It enforces the Rule of Thirds.
Consistency: Plan out your posts based on the expectations of your brand’s following. Whether you post 4 times or 10 times a day, stick with it.
Mapping: Take your paid content examples and your time sensitive posts, write them down on a posting calendar and map that content to make it easier to schedule.
Share the calendar: Once you get everything nailed down on a calendar, you can then share with your business’s team so they can all see the tangible assets and your intentions with the posts.
System of Record: This helps keep track of your posts, past, present and future as to not overlap or repeat content.
And the Rule of thirds: Ok ok, What is the Rule of Thirds? This is a ration of sharing on social media. Try using a third of your content to focusing on original content, a third on posts and blog content and a third on shared content from others. Think in terms of what suits your brand and your digital listener the most.
By putting your content all together in a schedule or map, it will help optimize your posts and blogs ahead of time so your business can grow its digital presence in a meticulous, well organized manner.