What should be the big goal to set in the next year?
What is one goal that comes to mind when establishing a digital goal set? I would say, increasing video. In the next few posts, I will be going over some ways we could possibly increase video through social media. But first let’s do some homework.
How do we get there?
Going from 0 to 100 is pretty hard when we aren’t assessing ourselves. This is something you should be taking into consideration when building a foundation for your goals.
Let’s start by assessing your current social media reach and engagement. We need to first audit what you post presently vs. what you have posted in the past which will tell you what you should be doing in the future.
Facebook First:
In your Facebook (Meta) business suite, you will want to look for the insights tab. This will show you everything you need to know to get started.
The audit:
At the top right corner, you can click your date range. Go back 90 days then click on content. This is where you can see your most engaged posts. Click on sort descending to see which posts had the most reach, you can also find out the posts that had the most likes and reactions.
Take the 10 posts with the highest reach, likes, and comments. What were they? What was the subject matter? Did those posts tie the audience back to the website?
If not, what could you have done to tie the posts back to the website?
What about the posts that made your audience engage? What category is the content in? Was it locally driven? Did you respond to the audience? Did you engage in meaningful conversation?
With this ammunition, you can start to have an idea of what you could be posting to your audience to gain the most engagement. Also, if those posts didn’t have any tie-back to your websites, what can you do to include it next time? Let’s talk about this and other insights, we can help. If you would like to go over this or any other strategy, regarding social media or anything else digital, please reach out!