Trendjacking, FOMO and other cool words
Have you ever seen the Allstate chaos commercial when chaos is TikTok dancing and causes a wreck? Well, that’s more than just Trendjacking, that’s parody trendjacking. Often done in bite-sized chunks, Trendjacking is a great content strategy when you are kind of tapped out of ideas or in between promos and holidays. These types of strategies aren’t new. Companies and individuals have been doing this for years.
What is Trendjacking?
It’s the act of hopping on social media trends to increase brand awareness. When done correctly, this strategy can boost your engagement, and possibly go viral.
Why is it good?
When you trendjack, this does offer a few benefits along the way.
It could help boost a promotion or your station, it humanizes your brand and best of all, it increases your brand engagement and decreases your FOMO, Fear of Missing Out.
How do I start?
Stay up to date on the latest trends by checking social media daily. Checking the trending feed on Twitter helps and best of all, Google has a great page for checking in on the trends. Any guesses on what it’s called? Google Trends. With this tool, you can go from broad range to as granular as the past 4 hours.
Once you have that, get to know the trend. Like what is entailed in said trend and how do I partake? When you have it down, put it into action. Make it your own, don’t try to sell a product, just put your spin on it.
Some trends you will find die out quickly and you could miss the boat, others are evergreen. Whatever you do, keep trying. Keep building content and they will come. Let’s talk about this and other strategies we can help with. Reach out and one of our Digital Specialists will help you formulate the best marketing strategy to reach your gols.